Annual Meeting Call for Programs

Welcome to the 2024 Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors Call for Programs

The Annual Meeting is a fantastic opportunity to develop your Core Competencies and learn from your peers in the fraternity/sorority industry about how to advance our profession.

In order to make the learning experience meaningful, it takes members who are willing to share their expertise. We are looking for programs that seek to enhance learning, create dialogue, provide practical knowledge, and fit with the Core Competencies of AFA.

Program Submission Deadlines: 

  • Pre-Conference Programs: Friday, June 7, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PT
  • Educational Programs: Friday, June 7, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PT
  • Ignite Fraternity: Friday, August 30, 2024 at 11:50 p.m. PT

Before you submit

The Educational Programs Committee has created a program submission resource guide to assist in your educational program proposal. The guide outlines the information you will need prepared when submitting a proposal through the Call for Programs and the evaluation metrics the committee will use when reviewing your proposal. The committee’s intention is that this resource will help program submitters have a clear understanding of the educational program review process and decision making process.

Program Submission Resource Guide

Submit your program proposal

The 2024 Annual Meeting Call for Programs is closed. The deadline to submit program proposals was Friday, June 7, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PT.

Video: How to Submit a Program Proposal

2024 Call for Programs Submission Form

Educational program reviewers

The AFA Annual Meeting Call for Programs Reviewers play an important role for the Association, as they assist in shaping the educational program’s roster for the Annual Meeting. Program reviewers will serve on a team of 3-5 peers and review 25-35 program submissions, providing feedback in key areas tied to the AFA Annual Meeting Focus Areas and Core Competency alignment, learning outcomes, and knowledge and competency growth offered by the session proposal.  This year, program reviewers will be assigned to review programs in a core functional area of the fraternity/sorority profession. This micro-volunteer experience will require your time commitment from mid-June through July 2024.

The Program Reviewer Interest Form is open! The deadline to submit your interest to serve as a program reviewer is Friday, May 10, 2024.

Program Reviewer Interest Form

Program Reviewer Expectations

  • Review between 25-35 educational programs between June 14 and July 22, 2024.
  • Provide feedback on each educational session when making your recommendation on if the program should be a part of the Annual Meeting programming list.
  • Be passionate about advancing Core Competency development for Association members.
  • Be a member of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors.

Educational Programs Notifications

All program notifications for educational programs will be sent by late August for Educational Sessions. If you are the Coordinating Presenter, you will be the only person on your presentation team to receive the notification.

Program notifications for IGNITE Fraternity will be sent in early October.


If you have any questions, please reach out to Travis Crudele-Roberts, 2024 Annual Meeting Educational Programs Committee Chair.

Travis Crudele-Roberts (Chair)
Melina Barboza
Liz Cadwell
Holly Dysserinck
Kirby Fitzpatrick
Kollin Fitzpatrick
Derrick Hinton II
Liz Jason
Brooke Scogin
Diana Torres
Ryan Upshaw
Elizabeth Wanersten
Caitlyn Westfall
Amy Wyer