Community Collectives

AFA is proud to announce three (3) Community Collective pilots for active members in the 2024-25 membership year. AFA is excited to grow our Community Collective spaces and hopes to establish strong practices and infrastructure for all future Community Collectives by piloting the experience with the following groups:

Latinx/a/o Professionals
Professionals across the Black Diaspora
Solo Professional Operations

The Latinx/a/o Professionals Community Collective serves as a supportive and amplifying community space for Latinx/a/o professionals. The Latinx/a/o Community Collective directly serves the following communities:

  • Latinx/a/o fraternity/sorority professionals 
  • Professionals allied with and committed to the success of Latinx/a/o professionals; 
  • Professionals interested in the inclusion, amplification and expansion of education and support for the experiences and needs of Latinx/a/o professionals and issues within the sorority and fraternity profession.

Community Collective Coordinators

Francesgladys Pulido

Guillermo Flores

The Professionals across the Black Diaspora Community Collective serves as a supportive and amplifying community space for professionals across the diaspora of Black experiences. The Black Diaspora Community Collective directly serves the following communities:

  • Fraternity/sorority professionals identifying across the Black diaspora
  • Professionals allied with and committed to the success of professionals identifying within the Black Diaspora
  • Professionals interested in the inclusion, amplification and expansion of education and support for the experiences and needs of professionals identifying within the Black Diaspora within the sorority and fraternity profession.

Community Collective Coordinators

Ronald Atkinson

Bridgette Wynn

The Solo Professional Operations Community Collective serves as a supportive and amplifying community space for professionals who serve as a sole member of their office/department/program. The Solo Professional Operations Community Collective directly serves the following communities:

  • Professionals who serve as a sole professional member within their FSL office/department/program
  • Professionals allied with and committed to the success of sole member operations; 
  • Professionals interested in the inclusion, amplification and expansion of education and support for the experiences and needs of professionals who serve as a sole member of their FSL office/department/program and issues within the sorority and fraternity profession.

Community Collective Coordinators

Dr. Brigette Allen

Alyssa Mohr

Community Collectives are an AFA member benefit. During the 2024-2025 Member Sign-Up & Renewal process, one of the registration prompts asked members to indicate their interest in any of the Community Collectives listed above. If a member selected any of the Community Collectives and has completed payment for their 2024-2025 AFA membership, they will be added to their membership list for further communications on getting involved. If members do not recall making a selection or would like to update their selections, they may email for assistance.