The AFA Central Office is closed and will reopen Monday, January 6.

The AFA Central Office is closed and will reopen Monday, January 6.

Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice

Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice

The Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice (formerly Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal dedicated to the study of fraternities and sororities.

CURRENT ISSUEVolume 19 - Issue 1

Editorial: A Call to Action for Sorority and Fraternity Life

Crystal E. Garcia

“Where I Feel Most Accepted”: Creating Queer-Affirming Fraternity Environments and Experiences

Patrick R. Githens

When Everyone Is Blamed, Are All Responsible? Defining the Legal Relationship Between North American Interfraternity Conference Fraternities/National Panhellenic Conference Sororities and Universities in Harassment Cases

Colleen E. Lofton

Considerations for Antiracist Practices in Sorority and Fraternity Life: A Critical Race Theory Perspective

Michael A. Goodman, Crystal E. Garcia, Stacey D. Garrett, and Kaleb L. Briscoe

What’s Next: Historically White Sorority Chapter Officers’ Response to 2020 Racial Events

Ericka Roland, Colette Grubman, and Keri DeCay