Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice

Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice

The Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice (formerly Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal dedicated to the study of fraternities and sororities.

CURRENT ISSUEVolume 19 - Issue 1

Editorial: A Call to Action for Sorority and Fraternity Life

Crystal E. Garcia

“Where I Feel Most Accepted”: Creating Queer-Affirming Fraternity Environments and Experiences

Patrick R. Githens

When Everyone Is Blamed, Are All Responsible? Defining the Legal Relationship Between North American Interfraternity Conference Fraternities/National Panhellenic Conference Sororities and Universities in Harassment Cases

Colleen E. Lofton

Considerations for Antiracist Practices in Sorority and Fraternity Life: A Critical Race Theory Perspective

Michael A. Goodman, Crystal E. Garcia, Stacey D. Garrett, and Kaleb L. Briscoe

What’s Next: Historically White Sorority Chapter Officers’ Response to 2020 Racial Events

Ericka Roland, Colette Grubman, and Keri DeCay