Letter from the Editors – July 2024

By Lindsay Sell, Andrew Hohn and Emilie Dye

Andrew Hohn
Lindsay Sell
Lindsay Sell
Emilie Dye
Emilie Dye

When the 2024 Perspectives Editorial Board began considering topics for our issues this year, much of our brainstorming stemmed back to the same general theme: civic engagement and advocacy. This should not be much of a surprise as we look around to the landscape of higher education and the United States today. Living through an era marked by a series of “unprecedented times,” transformative societal shifts, and often, a lack of constructive and civil discourse, colleges and universities have often been where people look for examples (both good and bad) of how to affect positive change.

In the landscape of higher education, and more specifically in fraternities and sororities, the imperative to foster active citizenship is not just an academic pursuit – it is an obligation. We have a unique platform from which to instill values like empathy, social responsibility, inclusion, and ethical leadership. Through partnerships and collaborations between staff, volunteers, and students; across chapters, councils, and communities – we can confront systemic injustices, center marginalized voices, and champion causes that advance the greater good. By learning how to nurture a culture of civic engagement within our organizations, we cultivate a society grounded in compassion, equity, and solidarity.

As we move through the summer, we encourage members to consider ways in which their work can reaffirm a commitment to advocacy and civic engagement as fundamental pillars to the fraternity/sorority experience. Our organizations can affect meaningful change in our communities through recognizing and utilizing our collective intellect and influence. Let’s enter the next academic year with a deeper understanding of how we can be the model examples of activism, advocacy, and leadership for our campuses and communities.

Career Center

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