Meet Team AFAAM 2023!

Meet the 2023 Annual Meeting Planning Team

The Annual Meeting is curated by dedicated volunteers working; they are known as the Annual Meeting Planning Team. The 2023 Annual Meeting Planning Team members are: 

  • Travis Crudele-Roberts (University of South Florida), Educational Programs Chair
  • Will Frankenberger (Delta Zeta), Awards & Recognition Committee Chair 
  • Lindsey Hollis (Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity), Fundraising Committee Chair 
  • Adam Joiner (Southern Methodist University), Attendee Engagement Committee Chair
  • Freddy Juarez (Florida State University), Exchange Coordinator
  • Tyler Manning (Illinois Wesleyan University), Graduate Student Experience Chair
  • Kari Murphy (Illinois State University), Graduate Staff Coordinator

These dedicated volunteers design, plan, coordinate, and carry out the Annual Meeting alongside the AFA Central Office staff. AFA is appreciative of the passion and dedication these individuals demonstrate in leading the operations of the Annual Meeting. Their work leads to members and attendees having exceptional professional development opportunities. 

Meet the 2023 Annual Meeting Graduate Staff

The Graduate Staff (aka Grad Staff) is an essential part of the staffing model for the AFA Annual Meeting. Graduate Staff members provide much of the onsite support to the Central Office Staff, the Annual Meeting Planning Team, and other Annual Meeting volunteers to deliver an excellent experience for attendees. You’ll experience their smiling faces, excellent customer service, and helpful demeanor. We’re excited to introduce you to the 12 stellar AFA Graduate members in the final year of their Master’s programs encompassing the 2023 Grad Staff:

  • Collin Binkley, University of Utah
  • Dylan Fields, Florida State University 
  • Caitlin Gurgone, New York University 
  • Greta Heinzelman, Miami University 
  • Zaria Hudson, Appalachian State University
  • Sydney Jefferson, University of Connecticut
  • Kenyatta Jeusi, Old Dominion University
  • Ansley Martin, Iowa State University 
  • Taylor Mierendorf, Ohio State University
  • Rebecca Neumann, Texas A&M University 
  • Maija Linh Pham, Colorado State University 
  • Blaine Smith, Mississippi State University 

The Grad Staff experience provides up-and-coming higher education professionals with an opportunity to understand conference planning and logistics while offering a unique glimpse into the operations of the Association. These Graduate Staff members will network with Annual Meeting attendees while delivering excellent customer service and helping to bring the Annual Meeting experience to life. Welcome to the Annual Meeting team, 2023 Grad Staff! 

Want to help them craft an amazing Annual Meeting experience?

The Call for Volunteers for the 2024 AFA Annual Meeting is currently open! Visit our Volunteer Opportunities page here and fill out the Call for Volunteers, which closes on Friday, December 10, to express your interest.Â