On-Demand Learning/Plaid LMS

The Fraternity and Sorority Industry is forever growing, and we believe educating professionals who lead these spaces is a vital opportunity to elevate the standard of professional development. AFA’s mission and values provide a unique accountable structure that can be achieved through the strategic and equity-minded advancement of the following pillars:

  • Developing Professional Competency: AFA develops a portfolio of programs and experiences designed to enhance and maximize the skills, talents, and overall effectiveness of the fraternity/sorority professional.
  • Advancing Research: AFA drives the empirical study of both the fraternity/sorority profession and the fraternity/sorority experience that better defines evidence-based research and professional practice.
  • Advocating for the Profession: AFA strengthens the narrative around the critical and essential role of the fraternity/sorority profession and its role in facilitating healthy fraternity/sorority experiences.
  • Creating Community: AFA builds and cultivates meaningful, professional communities that allow our members to more effectively engage with people and ideas in an inclusive and supportive environment.

AFA’s online courses will provide an affordable and in-depth exploration of emerging topics that will cover and highlight AFA’s core competencies.

Please be on the lookout for the launch of our course offerings.