AFA believes a stronger profession is both more diverse and more equitable – a professional space where all have the opportunity to strengthen their skills and contribute excellent work to our profession. AFA prioritizes the building and cultivating of meaningful, professional communities that allow sorority & fraternity to more effectively engage with people and ideas in an inclusive and supportive environment.
Opportunities for campaign support include:
- Creating scholarship funds dollars that work to eliminate cost barriers to participation in AFA programs;
- Creating opportunities to fund and support the creation and continued work of affinity spaces that help professionals engage and find belonging in the profession;
- Investing in professional development experiences focused on building skills that advance stronger understandings of equity, diversity, and inclusion and the spectrum of our fraternity;
- Creating virtual and online communities that connect professionals across the country to advance the aims of the profession and hold space for diversity and diverse perspectives;
- Strengthening our service to sorority/fraternity professional and sorority/fraternity communities nested at historically Black colleges and universities and other minority serving institutions.
Our Desired Impact:
- To expand who is included, supported, and valued in the work of the sorority/fraternity profession.
- To produce increasingly more prepared professionals who are positioned to serve increasingly diverse student populations.
- To allow all those who are interested in and capable of doing the work of the sorority/fraternity profession to find a community of professionals committed to their inclusion and their long-term success.