What keeps you up at night related to working with fraternities and sororities? What issue in our professional work do you feel uniquely positioned to address? We work in a field that is ever-changing and informed by both the evolving context of our industry, higher education, and our country, as well as by the trends and real, lived experiences of members of the groups we support. It’s enough to make one’s head spin and it’s a lot to stay on top of.
As the Editorial Board considered how to frame our current issue, it was these things – the changing landscape and critical conversations that resulted – that led to our issue topic. Authors have considered the key questions framed above. They’ve identified the topics and areas that freak them out or the areas they are addressing that freak others out. They have examined topics and realities in which they have expertise and can assist us all as we consider the idea or issue. We’ve learned a great deal from our contributing authors and we hope you do, too.
At the speed with which our industry and the stakeholders within it evolve, we can all share our knowledge, areas of learning, and opportunities to build better programs, initiatives, and interventions to best reach our goals of supporting fraternity/sorority members and organizations as a whole. These articles reflect the places where there are experts and in which we can share our knowledge and questions, reduce others’ anxieties, and enable the field to respond to the challenges and new realities we face. Enjoy these pieces as we continue on in this busy time of year.