Each of AFA’s regions has a Regional Director and Member Engagement & Recruitment Team to serve professionals in the area through newsletters, updates, professional development opportunities, and networking. View our region map and regional director information below:
Regional Directors
Alison Burke
University of Rhode IslandAbbi Hanson Allen
Virginia TechJeremy Paul
Grand Valley State UniversityAngie Zemke
University of Wisconsin-OshkoshJP Peters
Oregon State UniversityUpcoming Regional Programs
Regional MER Teams are hard at work planning opportunities for your region to connect this year! Monitor your email inbox for regional updates and newsletters to stay in-the-know.
Past Regional Programs
- Region One Networking Zoom
- Region Four Webinar: Member Engagement, Recruitment, and Retention
- Region Five Meet & Greet Zoom
- Regions Two and Four Webinar: DEI Legislation and the Impact on Higher Education & FSL Professionals
- Region One Webinar: Advising & Coaching Gen-Z Students