Volunteer Opportunities: Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting Planning Team (AMPT) are volunteers who are responsible for directing the attendee experience associated with the AFA Annual Meeting, including creating learning opportunities that engage members, supporting the AFA Core Competencies for Excellence in the Profession, providing networking opportunities, and supporting association initiatives.

Below are the volunteer opportunities:

The Graduate Student Experience Committee and chair are responsible for directing the graduate experience for the association, including creating learning opportunities that engage graduate members, support the AFA Core Competencies for Excellence in the Profession, provide networking opportunities, and support association initiatives.

The impact of this committee is to direct the learning experiences of throughout the year and direct the graduate students’ educational offerings at the Annual Meeting.

  • Work with AFA staff to explore an association wide graduate student mentoring program.
  • Coordinate the Order of Omega Case Study Competition, in conjunction with Order of Omega.
  • Organize Project Job Search events, including rĂ©sumĂ© reviews, mock interviews, and networking opportunities.
  • Implement the Graduate Training Track in conjunction with the AFA staff.
  • Coordinate and/or assess any additional programming or events offered at the Annual Meeting solely for graduate and doctoral students.
  • Participate in initiatives directed by the AFA staff or board of directors. 
  • Committee members should have strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • Should be innovative, goal-oriented, and team-driven.
  • In addition to the qualifications listed above for the committee, the chair should also be a committed and involved member of the association, have attended five or more Annual Meetings, and has experience directing a year-long planning initiative for a large scale event with multiple programs.
Commitment Required
  • Projected time commitments for the chair are 2-3 hours per week.
  • Committee members can expect to spend 2-4 hours per week on committee responsibilities.

Graduate Staff is an essential part of the staffing model for the Annual Meeting. Graduate Staff members provide much of the onsite support to the AFA Staff, the Annual Meeting Planning Team, and other Annual Meeting volunteers in delivering an excellent experience for conference attendees.

The Graduate Staff coordinator is responsible for the selection, training, and onsite execution of team responsibilities.


  • Select, train, and evaluate members of the Graduate Staff team.
  • Provide front line customer service to conference attendees.
  • Assist with onsite office operations for the Annual Meeting including all AV and educational program logistics.
  • Distribute Annual Meeting communication as appropriate.
  • Participate in initiatives directed by the AFA staff or board of directors.
  • 5 or more cumulative years of professional experience.
  • Have attended 3 or more Annual Meetings
  • Previous experience as an Annual Meeting Ambassador is recommended.
  • Forward-thinking, goal/detail oriented, and team-driven.
  • Strong attention to details.
  • Ability to managing many details at once.
Commitment Required
  • Monthly committee calls.
  • Six months prior to the Annual Meeting, minimum of 5 hours per work.

AFA Exchange is an essential element of the Annual Meeting that allows fraternity/sorority representatives and campus professionals a venue for in-person meetings/connections and relationship building for the betterment of fraternal organizations.


  • Schedule all exchanges prior to the Annual Meeting.
  • Maintain communication with inter/national organizations and campus-based professionals in the months leading up to the Annual Meeting about the benefits of their participation in AFA Exchange.
  • Communicate actively with all AFA Exchange registrants about requested meetings to facilitate as many “matched” meetings and registrants in the exchange process as possible.
  • Work to recruit those inter/national organizations or campuses that are requested but not registered to participate.
Commitment Required
  • Within the six weeks prior to the Annual Meeting, minimum of 10-20 hours per week.
  • The coordinator have attended three or more Annual Meetings.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • Strong attention to details.
  • Ability to managing many details at once.

The purpose of this committee is to facilitate ancillary events that are part of the Annual Meeting, including First-Timers programming, Ignite Fraternity, off-site excursions, and any other offerings as determined by the AFA staff. Successful coordination of these events means that Annual Meeting attendees can fully benefit from participation through clear communication, onsite coordination, and purposeful vision.

  • First-Timers Programming
    • Coordinate First-Timers activities and programs.
    • Create networking opportunities and/or specific programs for first-timers that assist them in making the most of their Annual Meeting experience.
    • Coordinate meal gatherings and table reservations for luncheons or banquets as deemed appropriate.
    • Plan and coordinate the Connections Kick-Off
  • Off-Site Excursions
  • Ignite Fraternity
  • Pre-Conference and On-Site Membership Engagement
  • Experience directing a year-long planning initiative for a large-scale event with multiple programs.
  • Exposure to writing or editing for all Annual Meeting publications.
  • Special Events Committee members should have strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • In addition to the qualifications listed above for the committee, the Special Events chair should also be a committed and involved member of the association and have attended three or more Annual Meetings.
  • Experience in conference management is a plus.
Commitment Required
  • Monthly committee calls.
  • Projected time commitments for the Special Events chair are 2 hours per week during slow times and 4-5 hours per week during busy times.
  • Committee members can expect to spend 2-4 hours per week on committee activities.

The Annual Meeting Educational Programs Committee and chair will be responsible for aiding the AFA staff in identifying, developing, and implementing various educational components and experiences associated with the Annual Meeting.

The impact of this committee is to create an educational programs team that supports the work of the AFA staff leading up to and during the Annual Meeting.

  • Provide feedback on the processes and procedures associated with the Annual Meeting educational programs process created by the AFA staff. This would include the Call for Ideas, Call for Presenters/Experts, Call for Programs, and the subsequent review process.
  • Assist in the marketing of the entire Annual Meeting educational programs process through personal networks and social media.
  • Serve as the Annual Meeting Call for Program review committee, under the direction of the chair.
  • Aide in the development of expectations and preparatory resources for Annual Meeting presenters.
  • Recruit, select, and train Annual Meeting Ambassadors to assist in onsite introductions of educational program presenters and other onsite needs.
  • Assist in the on-site implementation of select educational experiences and opportunities at the Annual Meeting.
  • Participate in initiatives directed by the AFA staff or board of directors.
  • Committee members must have 5 or more cumulative years of professional experience.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • Forward-thinking, goal/detail oriented, and team-driven.
Commitment Required
  • Monthly committee calls.
  • Projected time commitments for the chair are 3-4 hours/week.
  • Committee members can expect to spend 2-4 hours per week on committee activities.

The Awards & Recognition Committee and chair recognizes those individuals who have maintained high professional standards in the advisement of fraternities and sororities, and who have excelled in educational programming, student development, research and experimentation within the profession. This committee also seeks to recognize individuals, institutions, organizations, programs, and publications that advance the interfraternal movement at the highest level.

  • The chair will lead the Awards & Recognition Committee to the successful completion of the awards nomination and selection process.
  • The chair and committee will be primarily responsible for the review and selection process for all submitted nominations. Additional “guest judges” may be selected by the chair where deemed appropriate.
  • The chair, committee, and designated AFA staff member(s) will identify forums/marketing to promote the awards process and then execute intended marketing plans.
  • The committee will assist in the development of the award winner biographies, script and PowerPoint/multimedia materials for the presentation of awards and any additional onsite needs of the awards presentations at the Annual Meeting.
  • The committee will be responsible for the development of press releases and recognition letters to be sent to various institutions/organizations of award recipients.
  • The chair (in consultation with Central Office staff) will provide leadership to the committee to periodically review AFA Awards & Recognition (including identified awards, selection process, recognition of recipients, AFA Standard Operating Procedures Manual, etc.) to ensure the awards process best meets the needs of the association.
  • Participate in initiatives directed by the AFA staff or board of directors.
  • Membership within the association for a minimum of 1 year prior to appointment.
  • Knowledge base of the interfraternal movement allowing them the ability to participate in the selection of top awards.
  • Ability to manage multiple projects at once.
  • Represent the association professionally at all times.
Commitment Required
  • The appointment concludes with the distribution of all press releases and recognition letters following the Annual Meeting.
  • Committee members should be prepared to serve approximately 1-2 hours a month.
  • The chair will be required to give 3-5 hours a month.


The members of the Annual Meeting Planning Team (AMPT) will include the Special Events Chair, the AFA Exchange Coordinator, the Educational Programs Chair, the Graduate Student Programs Chair, the Fundraising Chair, Graduate Staff Coordinator, Graduate Staff members, and the Central Office staff. All individuals are required to arrive at the meeting prior to the start of the meeting. The Committee Chairs and Coordinators of the  Annual Meeting Planning Team will also be expected to stay until at least 1 pm on the day after the close of the Annual Meeting for a planning meeting.

Their responsibilities throughout the Annual Meeting are of a manner limiting their participation in the regular activities of the meeting. Due to the time commitment of these positions, the AMPT will receive complimentary registration for the Annual Meeting and hotel accommodations prior to the start of the conference. It will be the responsibility of the volunteer to cover hotel accommodations once the Annual Meeting begins.

The AMPT and other related volunteers will be provided with meals throughout the meeting in addition to the recognition luncheon and closing banquet. Several meals will be provided before the start of the conference that available for eligible Annual Meeting Staff, members of the AMPT and other individuals asked to be present.

All chair and committee members must be current members of the association.