AFA Annual Meeting


    CE Credit Policies for the AFA Annual Meeting

    1. Various educational sessions at the AFA Annual Meeting are eligible for CE credits. AFA will utilize the webpage and conference app to designate sessions that are eligible for CE credits.
    2. Certified Student Affairs Educators (CSAEd) are expected to complete the session feedback form for each CE-eligible session they attend throughout the conference. Certified Student Affairs Educators (CSAEd) are also strongly encouraged to utilize the provided CE tracking worksheet to keep track of their sessions and CE credit throughout the conference. 
    3. At the end of the conference, an overall CE evaluation form will be shared with CSAEd to allow them to designate which CE credits they would like to receive for each session. Please note that while a session may be eligible for multiple CE credit categories, you may only select a single category towards which you would like to receive CE credit (you may not “double dip” and receive CE credit for multiple categories for one session). Click here to review the Certification Consortium’s CE credit policies.
    4. Upon completion of the overall CE evaluation form, AFA staff will verify session attendance and create a CE certificate, which can be used when CSAEd apply for CE credit. Certificants can expect to receive their CE certificate via email within 5-10 business days after submission of the overall CE evaluation form.
    5. In order to receive CE credit, Certificants should use their CE certificate to apply for credits in Prolydian. Click here for more information on how to submit your completed CE credits online.