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Rewriting the Playbook: Post-pandemic priorities for fraternity/sorority life

Perspectives editors were interested in hearing from a variety of voices in response to the prompt, "what should the top priority of fraternities &...

Prioritizing Change in Fraternity and Sorority Life

Fraternities and sororities have created community and connected members through a lifelong bond for decades. Tradition plays an important role: it is what connects...

Identifying Priorities: Headquarters Perspectives

What should the priorities of (inter)national fraternity or sorority headquarters be? This is an incredibly complex question. As an international fraternity staff member, I...

If You Give A State A Law

Two hazing deaths in Ohio between 2018 and 2021 propelled legislators to pass Ohio’s anti-hazing law, Senate Bill 126 “Collin’s Law,” which went into...

What’s Next? Moving Students to a Greater Understanding of Civic Engagement

“We can't take a stance on that! It’s too political!” How many times have you heard this from organizations? Often, local chapters are hesitant to...

Democratic Engagement, It Doesn’t Have To Be Political

Every two years, there is either a Presidential Election or a Mid-term Congressional Election. Every two years, approximately half of the undergraduate collegiate population...

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