Association Update

IGNITE Fraternity

The IGNITE Showcase is the #AFAAM’s micro-learning opportunity. IGNITE...

Defining Activism and Recognizing Your Role in a Movement

When I was asked to contribute to this publication...

Why You Need to Ask More Questions

Curiosity. It is one of humankind’s greatest tools, yet...

University Government Relations: A Conversation on Priorities and Partnership

This is a video interview with Kelly Dockham, director...

A Minute with the Board

Happy New Year AFA! We hope everyone found some time to care for themselves after our Annual Meeting and as we have entered into...

A Message from the AFA President

Good day everyone! We have experienced some recent transition on the AFA Board of Directors. After nearly two years of service on the AFA Board...

September 2023 Minute with the Board

In the fall of 2019, the Association of Fraternity and Sorority Advisors put out a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking a Diversity, Equity, and...

August 2023 Minute with the Board

Happy summer everyone! Last June, both the Association and the Foundation Boards met in Indianapolis, Indiana and made outstanding progress on strategic goals for...

Minute with the Board – June 2023

Thank you to the AFA Board of Directors for allowing me to step in for this month’s Minute with the Board.  There are an incredible...

Minute With the Board May 2023

Barack Obama once shared his process for decision making. Every decision he had to make was complex and difficult. If a question had an...

Popular in Publications

About Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research & Practice

The Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice (formerly Oracle:...

Changing the Fraternity/Sorority Culture

A 2022 NIC Advisor Award of Distinction recipient reflects...

Rewriting the Playbook: Post-pandemic priorities for fraternity/sorority life

Perspectives editors were interested in hearing from a variety...

Who Am I Posting For?

Social media has played a role in my life...

Find a Growth Strategy That Fits (Part II): Marketing the Sorority Experience?

College Panhellenic communities are experiencing new challenges around enrollment...