About AFA

2024 AFA Awards

The Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors is excited to recognize...

Minute with the Board

The start of the academic year brings a spirit...

Annual Meeting Ambassadors

The AFA Annual Meeting is the hallmark professional development...

Annual Meeting Pre and Post-Conference Sessions

Extend your Annual Meeting experience by registering for one...

Minute with the Board

As members of the Board of Directors continue to...

Pillar 4: Creating Community

AFA builds and cultivates meaningful, professional communities that allow our members to more effectively engage with people and ideas in an inclusive and supportive...

Pillar 3: Advocating for the Profession

AFA strengthens the narrative around the critical and essential role of the fraternity/sorority profession and its role in facilitating healthy fraternity/sorority experiences. Stretch Goal 1:...

Pillar 2: Advancing Research

AFA drives the empirical study of both the fraternity/sorority profession and the fraternity/sorority experience that better defines evidence-based research and professional practice. Stretch Goal 1:...

Pillar 1: Developing Professional Competency

AFA develops a portfolio of programs and experiences designed to enhance and maximize the skills, talents, and overall effectiveness of the fraternity/sorority professional. Stretch Goal...

Leadership Election Slate

The Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) and the 2022 board of directors are pleased to announce the 2023 AFA Leadership Election Slate. This slate...

Nominations & Elections

View the 2025 Leadership Elections Slate Nominations During the nominations process, we invite you to invest in the future of AFA by assisting the Governance &...

Popular in Publications

About Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research & Practice

The Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice (formerly Oracle:...

Changing the Fraternity/Sorority Culture

A 2022 NIC Advisor Award of Distinction recipient reflects...

Who Am I Posting For?

Social media has played a role in my life...

Rewriting the Playbook: Post-pandemic priorities for fraternity/sorority life

Perspectives editors were interested in hearing from a variety...

Find a Growth Strategy That Fits (Part II): Marketing the Sorority Experience?

College Panhellenic communities are experiencing new challenges around enrollment...