
Together, We Move Forward

These are uncertain times (cut back to many of...

Minute With The Board

As Josh referenced in the previous “Minute with the...

Interview: Northwestern University Fraternity/Sorority Life and Office of Community Standards

About the Authors Dr. Rafael Matos is a scholar-practitioner who...

From The Vault: Creating a Conduct Process

This is a republication of an article first published in Perspectives in the second edition of 2018. The author provided the following reflection on...

Scraping Collaboration: The Case for Partnership

In a rapidly changing higher education landscape, collaboration is no longer just an option—it is a necessity. "Scraping collaboration" speaks to the intentional and...

Letter from the Guest Editors

On behalf of the Association of Student Conduct Administrators (ASCA), we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to serve as...

They’re Our Students, Too: Important Considerations to Support Student Safety and Partnership in Sorority and Fraternity Life

Coming out of the AFA Annual Meeting, it seems a great time to revisit the conversation on partnerships between campus-based sorority & fraternity life...

What Keeps Me Up at Night? Fraternities Becoming Pawns in the Campus Culture Wars

Over the spring and summer of 2024, a seemingly innocuous incident involving fraternity members protecting an American flag from protesters at the University of...

NPHC Denouncement: A conversation with Dr. Mea Ashley

Dr. Rafael Matos, AFA Perspectives editorial board member, sat down to chat with Dr. Mea Ashley whose groundbreaking dissertation studied membership denouncement among members...

Popular in Publications

About Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research & Practice

The Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice (formerly Oracle:...

Changing the Fraternity/Sorority Culture

A 2022 NIC Advisor Award of Distinction recipient reflects...

Find a Growth Strategy That Fits (Part II): Marketing the Sorority Experience?

College Panhellenic communities are experiencing new challenges around enrollment...

Rewriting the Playbook: Post-pandemic priorities for fraternity/sorority life

Perspectives editors were interested in hearing from a variety...

Prioritizing Change in Fraternity and Sorority Life

Fraternities and sororities have created community and connected members...