A Message from the AFA President

by Noah Borton

Good day everyone!

We have experienced some recent transition on the AFA Board of Directors. After nearly two years of service on the AFA Board of Directors Teresia Williams has notified us of her resignation due to personal considerations. We are deeply appreciative of Teresia for her leadership and service to the Association throughout her term, and we will plan to recognize her contributions at the AFA Business Meeting during our upcoming Annual Meeting. We are also supportive of her as she makes this transition. 

Teresia was elected to serve a two-year term on the AFA Board of Directors beginning in December 2021. Per the AFA By-Laws, if an elected board member resigns with less than one year remaining in their term, it is the responsibility of the President to appoint a successor to serve out the remainder of the term. After consulting with the full board, Chris Graham has been appointed to serve out the remainder of the term. Chris is the immediate past President of AFA, having served in that capacity from 2020-2022. In addition, he served as a director for two years prior to that. Professionally, Chris serves as the Chief Chapter Services Officer for Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. 

As a Board we discussed how we should proceed with this vacancy. We determined it was important to fill the role, despite the short time remaining in the term, to ensure effective governance and leadership for the organization. In filling the role, we wanted to prioritize selecting someone who would not need significant on-boarding, and someone who could immediately step in and contribute to board discussions and decision making. Based on Chris’ extensive track record of leadership within AFA, his connections with the current Board of Directors, and his work as a part of the Board’s Governance Committee this year, we believe Chris is uniquely positioned to contribute at this time. 

We are greatly appreciative of Chris’ willingness to answer the call to serve AFA. As we welcome Chris back to the Board, we reiterate our gratitude to Teresia for all her contributions to AFA and our collective work within fraternity and sorority life. We wish Teresia well in her next chapter. 


Noah Borton
AFA President

Career Center

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