The Two-Sided Coin of Creating Community

Community used to exist because that’s where you showed up and it just “happened.” However now we know community takes effort, it takes intentionality. A few years ago at the 2019 AFA Annual...

The Latest Perspectives:

Letter from the Editors: October 2023

As the summer ends, colleges and universities embark on...

Perspectives • Fall 2023 (Issue 2)

7 Steps to a Social Media Strategy That Gets Results

Advice from a marketing expert for your campus, organization,...

Locals, We’re Just Like You

We’ve been fortunate to be members of the Association...

Examining Community Spaces for Culturally-Based Groups

Community Spaces for Culturally-Based Groups In today’s landscape of fraternity...

Practicing What We Preach: The Importance of a Community

As I begin thinking about my journey in higher...

More Perspectives


On Saturday morning, September 30, 2017, I was awoken...

Examining the Alpha Delta Pi accountability process

Fraternities and sororities recognize the importance of holding members...

President’s Message – AFA Perspectives October 2024

Election season is upon us. The task of identifying...

It’s Time!

I recently returned to higher education from retirement to...

Restorative Justice in Fraternity/Sorority Life

About the Interviewee Dr. Julia Wade (she/her) currently serves as...

The Five C’s of Accountability Partnership

Over the past five years in my role, I’ve...

From The Vault: Creating a Conduct Process

This is a republication of an article first published...

AFA Perspectives President’s Message | July 2024

Fraternities and sororities exist within a complex system; a...

Rewriting the Playbook: Post-pandemic priorities for fraternity/sorority life

Perspectives editors were interested in hearing from a variety...

Embracing Our Messiness

Early in my tenure at Delta Phi Epsilon, I...

You Are Not Alone!

With you. That’s how we sign off many of our emails with industry phriends, partners, and teammates these days. It may seem like a small gesture, but it’s something that carries significant meaning for us. It’s...