Perspectives Co-Editors and Editorial Board


    Perspectives aims to provide a forum for research, ideas and information related to fraternities and sororities that is thought provoking and innovative; shares new information; highlights best practices; and challenges thought. Developed under the guidance of AFA staff, the publication relies on a committed and skilled volunteer base that operates year-round in an effort to publish three – four issues per year.

    Each issue of Perspectives includes multiple written and multimedia articles, which cover a wide range of industry topics, including competencies, historical perspectives, research foci, and applying perspectives into practice. Each issue also includes a letter from the editors, and a message from the AFA President.


    Responsibilities of AFA’s volunteer committees are grouped into two categories: strategy and execution. Responsibilities of the Perspectives Editorial Board will be moderate in strategy and high in execution. 

    All AFA volunteers are expected to abide by general AFA volunteer expectations outlined in volunteer training modules and to promote and champion the strategic direction of AFA in alignment with AFA Board of Directors and Central Office Staff. 

    Strategic Responsibilities

    • Co-Editors: Responsible for editorial board management; serving as liaisons to the AFA staff; determining publication vision; oversight of content generation, author support, and editing processes; and creating an engaging and meaningful volunteer experience.

    Execution Responsibilities

    • Co-Editors: Responsible for leading the issue theming and article solicitation process; delegating and overseeing copy editing responsibilities to editorial board members; providing final approval of all submissions intended for publication; and working with AFA staff on publication and issue promotion.
    • Editorial Board member: Responsible for regularly brainstorming and pitching article ideas; identifying and conducting outreach to potential authors; thoroughly copy editing assigned articles to ensure articles are factually accurate, advance the purpose of the publication, and adhere to enforce AFA brand standards and AP style

    Commitment Required

    • Appointments are for a 2 year term with approximately half of the editorial board transitioning each year.
    • Maintain contact with the editor and follow up with tasks as assigned.
    • Contribute meaningful dialogue to editorial board discussions on regular editorial board conference calls.
    • Prior to the submission deadline, the time commitment equals approximately 1 hour per week.
    • During the editing process, the time commitment may be up to 5 hours per week.