AFA Staff

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First 90 Days

As a fraternity/sorority professional, the impact of the work you do is much broader than you may realize. It's a chance to instill and...

‘Because you Believe’ Educational Partners

Both the Association and the AFA Foundation want to ensure that all ‘Because You Believe’ educational partners are recognized for their support, be it...

Our Positions

The following are AFA board-affirmed position statements on important topics within the interfraternal community: Hazing and the Fraternity/Sorority Experience Sexual Assault and Power-based/Gender-based/Interpersonal Violence ...

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Access

Position Statement: The Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors recognizes that diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA) initiatives are an important facet of the forward progression of...

The Value and Benefit of the Fraternity/Sorority Experience

Position Statement: Institutions of higher education, and society more broadly, continue to reconcile their relationship with fraternities and sororities; this is occurring in concert with...

Student Health, Safety and Well-being

Position Statement: If individuals are not provided access to be physically, emotionally, and mentally safe, they will not be able to access the full extent...

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