
Protected: “In Honor Of” Gifts

On behalf of the AFA Foundation, friends and colleagues...

2024 AFA Awards

The Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors is excited to recognize...

Minute with the Board

The start of the academic year brings a spirit...

Annual Meeting Ambassadors

The AFA Annual Meeting is the hallmark professional development...

Annual Meeting Pre and Post-Conference Sessions

Extend your Annual Meeting experience by registering for one...

What I Wish You Knew: How being a board member informs my work as a campus-based professional.

Like many others, I have worked with fraternities and sororities both as a campus-based professional and as an operational volunteer. Engaging with fraternities/sororities as...

Are you Just Balancing or Building Relationships?

As fraternity and sorority professionals, our actions and decisions shape how we support organizational success. Oftentimes we either find ourselves feeling appreciative for a...

Developing Your Own Growth Philosophy

For the last couple of years, it seems like everyone in the fraternity/sorority industry has made recruitment and growth a priority. Whether it was...

Recruiting the Next Generation of Sorority Women

Enrollment declines on college campuses are not news at this point, and universities, colleges, and member organizations all continue to feel the effects of...

Growth and Expansion: The Dance Between Campuses and Headquarters

Prior to coming to work at a Fraternity Headquarters, I spent ten years working on three different campuses in three different states, serving in...

Stop Selling Incense Sticks, Oils, or Fruits – Focus on Building Relationships and Connecting Culture

In most downtown urban areas and beach towns, you will find someone hustling to sell incense sticks, oils, or fruit; “We got the best...

Popular in Publications

About Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research & Practice

The Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice (formerly Oracle:...

Changing the Fraternity/Sorority Culture

A 2022 NIC Advisor Award of Distinction recipient reflects...

Find a Growth Strategy That Fits (Part II): Marketing the Sorority Experience?

College Panhellenic communities are experiencing new challenges around enrollment...

Who Am I Posting For?

Social media has played a role in my life...

Rewriting the Playbook: Post-pandemic priorities for fraternity/sorority life

Perspectives editors were interested in hearing from a variety...