
2024 AFA Awards

The Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors is excited to recognize...

Minute with the Board

The start of the academic year brings a spirit...

Annual Meeting Ambassadors

The AFA Annual Meeting is the hallmark professional development...

Annual Meeting Pre and Post-Conference Sessions

Extend your Annual Meeting experience by registering for one...

Minute with the Board

As members of the Board of Directors continue to...

Letter from the Editors: October 2023

As the summer ends, colleges and universities embark on marked changes to their campuses. Realistically, each year, about a fourth of the undergraduate student...

Rooted Together: Native American Fraternities & Sororities Cultivating Community

The fraternal experience is almost as old as the collegiate experience. Fraternities and sororities are known to be just a few of the undergraduate...

Examining Community Spaces for Culturally-Based Groups

Community Spaces for Culturally-Based Groups In today’s landscape of fraternity and sorority housing, one can find a myriad of options including the traditional fraternity or...

Practicing What We Preach: The Importance of a Community

As I begin thinking about my journey in higher education, shared community is one of the key components that stands out. A community can...

AFA Presidents Message Perspectives | October 2023

I do not really know why, but I have always taken an interest in fraternity and sorority history. Even as an undergraduate I wanted...

A Conversation with the AFA President

Things are looking a little different in Perspectives this issue. Since we are at a point of transition, we thought this would be a...

Popular in Publications

About Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research & Practice

The Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice (formerly Oracle:...

Changing the Fraternity/Sorority Culture

A 2022 NIC Advisor Award of Distinction recipient reflects...

Who Am I Posting For?

Social media has played a role in my life...

Rewriting the Playbook: Post-pandemic priorities for fraternity/sorority life

Perspectives editors were interested in hearing from a variety...

Find a Growth Strategy That Fits (Part II): Marketing the Sorority Experience?

College Panhellenic communities are experiencing new challenges around enrollment...