Member Onboarding Chair & Committee


    The Association’s Member Onboarding Committee, led by the Member Onboarding Committee Chair, will be responsible for the engagement of new and returning members of the Association. This includes working with the AFA staff team for the promotion of AFA membership and professional development, facilitating opportunities for new and returning member engagement, and working in cooperation with the AFA staff for any onboarding communications, resources, and programs.  

    Committee Priorities: 

    • Evaluate previous committee work and identify what opportunities can be created and advanced this year.
    • Further develop resources and communications for new and returning members upon their registration with the Association.


    Responsibilities of AFA’s volunteer committees are grouped into two categories: strategy and execution. Responsibilities of the Member Onboarding Committee will be moderate in strategy and moderate in execution. 

    All AFA volunteers are expected to abide by general AFA volunteer expectations outlined in volunteer training modules and to promote and champion the strategic direction of AFA in alignment with AFA Board of Directors and Central Office Staff. 

    Strategic Responsibilities

    • Assess the needs for Association member onboarding and engagement via surveys, focus groups, brainstorming, and other tactics.
    • Evaluate the elements and stages of AFA membership and strategize opportunities for the members and Association to invest in one another in alignment with the Association’s overall strategic plan and goals.

    Execution Responsibilities

    • Plan communications and content to entice members to renew or non-members to join.
    • Develop and communicate resources to new and returning members.
    • Coordinate programming and resources with other volunteer teams.
      • Ex. Core Competencies Assessment promotion with the Core Competency Advancement Committee.
      • Ex. Recruitment efforts with Regional Member Engagement and Recruitment (MER) Teams.


    • Member Onboarding Committee members must be professional, graduate, affiliate, or emeritus members of the association.
    • Familiarity with the various benefits, services, and resources available to AFA members.
    • Desire to reach out to prospective, new, and returning members.

    Commitment Required

    • The Committee Chair must devote approximately 2-3 hours per week to assisting with member onboarding plans and Association goals.
    • Committee members will be asked to participate in monthly 1-hour team meetings, with 1-2 hours/week given to other member onboarding activities.
    • The time requirement will vary based on time of year.