Regional Directors and Regional Membership Engagement & Recruitment Chairs


    Regional directors promote the mission and programmatic benefits of the association within their respective regions, supervise the activities and programs of regionally-based committees or workgroups, and promote the association to potential new members. Regional directors oversee the work of the Regional Membership Engagement & Recruitment Team in their respective regions. 

    The Regional Membership Engagement & Recruitment Teams are regionally based groups with goals of increasing and promoting AFA membership, promoting regional professional development opportunities, enhancing communication amongst/within the region, and publicizing opportunities and benefits provided to association members. 

    • Ongoing outreach to both current and prospective members.
    • Identify and contact prospective members (i.e. personal phone calls, emails and social media).
    • Promote professional development opportunities based in their respective region.
    • Provide opportunities for Regional Drive-Ins.
    • Report and provide updates on non-AFA related regional conferences.
    • Keep a pulse on and report on hot topics of conversations within the field.
    • Promote AFA Foundation fundraising efforts.
    • Actively utilize social media to promote various AFA programs, resources, and opportunities.
    • Membership within the association for a minimum of 1 year prior to appointment.
    • Familiarity with the various benefits, services, and resources available to AFA members.
    • Desire to reach out to prospective members.
    • Be employed by an institution or organization in the region s/he represents for at least one year prior to appointment.
    • Regional directors must be professional, graduate, affiliate, or emeritus members of the association.
    Commitment Required
    • Regional directors must devote approximately 2-3 hours per week to assisting with regional project plans and association goals.
    • Committee members will be asked to participate in monthly 1 hour team meetings.
    • The time requirement will vary based on region size.


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