The Graduate Student Experience Chair & Committee


    The Graduate Student Experience Committee and chair are responsible for directing the graduate experience for the association, including creating learning opportunities that engage graduate members, support the AFA Core Competencies for Excellence in the Profession, provide networking opportunities, and support association initiatives.

    The impact of this committee is to direct the learning experiences of throughout the year and direct the graduate students’ educational offerings at the Annual Meeting.

    • Work with AFA staff to explore an association wide graduate student mentoring program.
    • Coordinate the Order of Omega Case Study Competition, in conjunction with Order of Omega.
    • Organize Project Job Search events, including rĂ©sumĂ© reviews, mock interviews, and networking opportunities.
    • Implement the Graduate Training Track in conjunction with the AFA staff.
    • Coordinate and/or assess any additional programming or events offered at the Annual Meeting solely for graduate and doctoral students.
    • Participate in initiatives directed by the AFA staff or board of directors. 
    • Committee members should have strong verbal and written communication skills.
    • Should be innovative, goal-oriented, and team-driven.
    • In addition to the qualifications listed above for the committee, the chair should also be a committed and involved member of the association, have attended five or more Annual Meetings, and has experience directing a year-long planning initiative for a large scale event with multiple programs.
    Commitment Required
    • Projected time commitments for the chair are 2-3 hours per week.
    • Committee members can expect to spend 2-4 hours per week on committee responsibilities.


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