Graduate Staff Coordinator


    Graduate Staff is an essential part of the staffing model for the Annual Meeting. Graduate Staff members provide much of the onsite support to the AFA Staff, the Annual Meeting Planning Team, and other Annual Meeting volunteers in delivering an excellent experience for conference attendees.

    The Graduate Staff coordinator is responsible for the selection, training, and onsite execution of team responsibilities.


    • Select, train, and evaluate members of the Graduate Staff team.
    • Provide front line customer service to conference attendees.
    • Assist with onsite office operations for the Annual Meeting including all AV and educational program logistics.
    • Distribute Annual Meeting communication as appropriate.
    • Participate in initiatives directed by the AFA staff or board of directors.
    • 5 or more cumulative years of professional experience.
    • Have attended 3 or more Annual Meetings
    • Previous experience as an Annual Meeting Ambassador is recommended.
    • Forward-thinking, goal/detail oriented, and team-driven.
    • Strong attention to details.
    • Ability to managing many details at once.
    Commitment Required
    • Monthly committee calls.
    • Six months prior to the Annual Meeting, minimum of 5 hours per work.


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