Attendee Engagement Chair & Committee


    The purpose of this committee is to facilitate ancillary events that are part of the Annual Meeting, including First-Timers programming, Ignite Fraternity, off-site excursions, and any other offerings as determined by the AFA staff. Successful coordination of these events means that Annual Meeting attendees can fully benefit from participation through clear communication, onsite coordination, and purposeful vision.

    • First-Timers Programming
      • Coordinate First-Timers activities and programs.
      • Create networking opportunities and/or specific programs for first-timers that assist them in making the most of their Annual Meeting experience.
      • Coordinate meal gatherings and table reservations for luncheons or banquets as deemed appropriate.
      • Plan and coordinate the Connections Kick-Off
    • Off-Site Excursions
    • Ignite Fraternity
    • Pre-Conference and On-Site Membership Engagement
    • Experience directing a year-long planning initiative for a large-scale event with multiple programs.
    • Exposure to writing or editing for all Annual Meeting publications.
    • Special Events Committee members should have strong verbal and written communication skills.
    • In addition to the qualifications listed above for the committee, the Special Events chair should also be a committed and involved member of the association and have attended three or more Annual Meetings.
    • Experience in conference management is a plus.
    Commitment Required
    • Monthly committee calls.
    • Projected time commitments for the Special Events chair are 2 hours per week during slow times and 4-5 hours per week during busy times.
    • Committee members can expect to spend 2-4 hours per week on committee activities.


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