Educational Programs Chair & Committee


    The Annual Meeting Educational Programs Committee and chair will be responsible for aiding the AFA staff in identifying, developing, and implementing various educational components and experiences associated with the Annual Meeting.

    The impact of this committee is to create an educational programs team that supports the work of the AFA staff leading up to and during the Annual Meeting.

    • Provide feedback on the processes and procedures associated with the Annual Meeting educational programs process created by the AFA staff. This would include the Call for Ideas, Call for Presenters/Experts, Call for Programs, and the subsequent review process.
    • Assist in the marketing of the entire Annual Meeting educational programs process through personal networks and social media.
    • Serve as the Annual Meeting Call for Program review committee, under the direction of the chair.
    • Aide in the development of expectations and preparatory resources for Annual Meeting presenters.
    • Recruit, select, and train Annual Meeting Ambassadors to assist in onsite introductions of educational program presenters and other onsite needs.
    • Assist in the on-site implementation of select educational experiences and opportunities at the Annual Meeting.
    • Participate in initiatives directed by the AFA staff or board of directors.
    • Committee members must have 5 or more cumulative years of professional experience.
    • Strong verbal and written communication skills.
    • Forward-thinking, goal/detail oriented, and team-driven.
    Commitment Required
    • Monthly committee calls.
    • Projected time commitments for the chair are 3-4 hours/week.
    • Committee members can expect to spend 2-4 hours per week on committee activities.


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