Graduate Staff Coordinator


    Graduate Staff is an essential part of the staffing model for the Annual Meeting. Graduate Staff members provide much of the on-site support to the AFA Staff, the Annual Meeting Planning Team, and other Annual Meeting volunteers to deliver an excellent experience for conference attendees.

    The Graduate Staff coordinator is responsible for the selection, training, and on-site execution of team responsibilities.

    Coordinator Priorities:

    • To coordinate the selection and training of Graduate Staff members
    • To provide on-site support and supervision of Graduate Staff members


    Responsibilities of AFA’s volunteer roles are grouped into two categories: strategy and execution. Responsibilities of the Graduate Staff Coordinator will be moderate in strategy and high in execution. 

    All AFA volunteers are expected to abide by general AFA volunteer expectations outlined in volunteer training modules and to promote and champion the strategic direction of AFA in alignment with AFA Board of Directors and Central Office Staff. 

    Strategic Responsibilities

    • In collaboration with Central Office staff, develop clear and compelling communications to recruit applicants for the Graduate Staff.
    • Plan the training of Graduate Staff to adequately prepare them for their roles on-site at the Annual Meeting.
    • Collect tasks and responsibilities with which Graduate Staff can assist and schedule staff appropriately to maximize effectiveness and efficiency.

    Execution Responsibilities

    • Facilitate the selection of the Graduate Staff team by organizing applications, recruiting reviewers, compiling reviewer feedback, and making selection decisions in collaboration with the Central Office.
    • Provide front line customer service to conference attendees.
    • Assist with on-site office operations for the Annual Meeting, including educational program and registration logistics.
    • Participate in initiatives as directed by the AFA staff or board of directors.


    • The Graduate Staff Coordinator must be a professional, graduate, affiliate, or emeritus member of the association.
    • A desire to enhance the attendee experience and a strong commitment to creating an inclusive experience for all AFA Annual Meeting attendees.
    • Previous experience working with and/or supervising graduate students is preferred.
    • Experience with program development and project management for a large-scale event with multiple priorities is preferred.
    • Previous experience as an Annual Meeting Planning Team member is preferred.

    Commitment Required

    • Monthly committee calls.
    • Six months prior to the Annual Meeting, minimum of 5 hours per work.

    Note: This time commitment may vary throughout the year and will increase in the weeks/months leading up to the Annual Meeting.